

Endoscopic Surgery: Medical Technology Opportunities in the Making

Are you someone putting off surgery because you’re worried about the scar or the invasive incision that you think is required? Did you know that with today’s medical technology, your surgery might only require a series of very small incisions of less than 1/2 inch in length?

One of the newer techniques in bariatric surgical procedures, the endoscopic approach to bariatric surgery is considered minimally invasive, and is actually considered a nonsurgical approach to treat obesity through the restriction of the size of the stomach. Bariatric and laparoscopic surgery options for such care may include:

  • Gastric banding
  • Sleeve gastrectomy
  • Gastric bypass
  • Lap band
  • Vertical gastrectomy

A common tumor removal procedure in the cervical, thoracic or lumbar region is radio frequency based plasma ablation. This type of procedure debulks the tumor and, like kyphoplasty, creates an opening or cavity for the insertion of bone cement to provide structure and support to the spine following the removal of part of or an entire vertebrae or discs. Radio wave energy beams literally disintegrate the molecular structure and bonds of the tumor to allow for easier removal.

CT-guided, X-MR guided, 3D C-arm guided procedures offer the latest spine care technologies, as does the O-arm guided surgery robotic laparoscopic procedures used at Wooridul Spine Hospital, and image guided navigation surgery and CyberKnife surgical procedures.

Surgery doesn’t have to include large incisions, long hospital stays and even longer rehabilitation therapies these days. Visit to learn about the latest in medical technology that offers less damage, cheaper surgery and reduced recuperation or out-of-work time for patients needing a variety of surgical procedures today.

Categories:   Affordable Heart Surgery, Health Tourism, Medical Technology, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


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