

Egg Donation Treatment Abroad


Egg donation is a popular concept around the world, a treatment that helps millions of couples achieve their goals of having a child. Egg donors are subject to review and approval by egg donation clinics and facilities. An egg donor can be specifically requested by a family member or friend, or chosen from a bank of donors. In many cases, the prospective parents will interview the donor before the actual selection process.

A donor usually provides a dozen eggs, called oocytes or ova to an egg donor facility or assisted reproduction or biomedical facility or clinic. The entire process of egg donation, followed by in vitro fertilization of the fertilized egg with the sperm of the male partner is known as Assisted Reproductive Technology or ART.

Egg donation recipients receive egg donations that have been genetically matched, screened for disease and then undergo an egg retrieval and fertilization process. After that, the embryo/s are transferred from a laboratory setting and implanted in the prospective mother’s uterus.

Who Benefits from Egg Donor Treatments?
A woman who can’t ovulate or a woman whose eggs are of poor quality may benefit from an egg donor. The types of egg donor programs differ around the world, as to procedures and technologies, which are advancing at a rapid rate.

Egg Donation IVF Procedures
Egg donation requires in-vitro fertilization. This means that the eggs are fertilized (most commonly by the husband/boyfriend’s sperm) and then grown in a laboratory setting. The female is then inseminated with the donated egg and the sperm of her male partner, producing a child who is genetically related to the male partner and the surrogate or egg donor.

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