

Dental Veneers vs. Dental Implants

What, exactly, is the difference between dental veneers and dental implants? Well, dental veneers are literally covers for damaged or injured teeth. They fit like a shell over existing teeth to fill in gaps, smooth surfaces, protect tooth enamel worn down by age, and straight uneven tooth alignment, cracks, and chipped teeth.

Dental implants replace teeth lost due to trauma, gum disease, tooth decay, and imperfections of the root canal. Dental implants meet the needs of tooth loss through the insertion of artificial tooth replacements. Dental implants are strong and durable and can be made of a variety of materials. Your dentist will determine what type of implant to use for your situation.

Dental veneers are placed on the surface of the teeth, adjusting fit for optimal function and appearance. Implants are attached directly to bone to provide an anchor for artificial teeth within jawbone structures.

The cost of dental veneers depends on a number of factors, including dental fees, the type of veneer chosen, location, and materials used to create the veneers. The number of teeth being covered will also affect costs. Porcelain veneers in the United States cost between $1,000 and $2,500 per tooth, although such veneers may last over a decade.  Composite veneers may cost between $250 and $1,500 per tooth, and generally last up to seven years.

In the United States, the average cost of dental implants ranging from $1,000-$5,000 per tooth.

Individuals traveling to foreign destinations for dental care or dental services in excellent facilities such as High Tech Dental Clinic in Costa Rica or My Dentist, in Mumbai, India can save up to 50 to 75% of costs charged in the United States.

Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Dental Tourism Abroad, Dental Vacations Europe, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, South America Medical Tourism


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