

British Woman Travels to India for Breast Cancer Therapy

Kathryn, a 32-year old British citizen, was diagnosed with breast cancer. As a waitress, she had a health insurance policy, but it offered a smaller cap limit than she needed. The policy paid for surgery to remove the cancerous tumor from her breast, but the surgery and the resulting stay in the hospital capped out her policy. She still needed coverage for thousands of pounds worth of post-surgical treatments, including chemotherapy.

Kathryn and her mother researched her options. The problem was that drug therapy costs were astronomical, amounting to thousands of pounds – one drug would cost almost £20,000 a month -money that she didn’t have. She’d heard about cancer treatment in India and other locations, and dug into research.

No one should have to choose between cancer treatment and financial ruin. She and her mother looked for cancer therapy abroad, in locations such as Mexico, India and Ukraine, hoping to find affordable yet quality cancer care treatments that would offer her the best chance of remission and health. She even considered alternative treatments for cancer through stem cell therapy. At least she had options, which offered her some hope for her formerly hopeless situation.

Kathryn took advantage of the growing popularity of medical tourism to access information regarding the qualifications, experience, and expertise of a number of oncology or cancer experts in breast cancer and finally made a decision. She would travel to India, where she could save tens of thousands pounds in her cancer treatment.

For information regarding medical travel for cancer care abroad, visit PlacidWay, an international medical resource and provider. Like Kathryn, you have options for your care.


Categories:   Cancer Treatment Abroad, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Stem Cell Therapy


  • Posted: January 23, 2012 00:11


    Reading this kind of story makes me sad, if there is anything that I could do to help them.I know prayers is more than powerful in all medicine.Prayers for them..

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