

Best Destinations in Latin America for PGD and PGS

PGD & PGS Latin America

Latin American fertility centers love to create families — families made of love, respect, and equality. They do not exclude any intended parents who are chasing their dreams of parenthood. With dedicated surrogacy centers, Latin America provides hope for intended parents around the globe. The Latin America infertility medical clinics strongly believe that fertility options and low-cost options should be more accessible. Offering exceptional care program, they take the guess work out of what may be your biggest surrogacy concerns.

What is Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)?

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a reproductive technology used with an IVF cycle. PGD can be used for diagnosis of a genetic disease in early embryos prior to implantation and pregnancy. In addition, this technology can be utilized in the field of assisted reproduction for screening and diagnosis of unbalanced inheritance of chromosome abnormalities, such as translocations or inversions.

What is Preimplantation Gender Selection (PGS)?

Sex selection is legal in most of the world, yet it has limitations. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) screening is allowed in most countries to determine a genetic condition that the embryo might inherit. Yet specifically PGS (Gender Selection) is not allowed with the specific purpose of determining the sex of the child – in countries including China, India, UK, Australia, Korea, Canada, Belgium, Spain, France, Germany, Hong Kong and Italy.

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