

Bariatric Surgery and Weight Loss Options Abroad

Obesity causes a multitude of health issues, including diabetes, hypertension, coronary artery disease and generally places more stress on various organs within our body than most people realize. Many of us succeed in losing weight through exercise, nutrition and diet, while others need a little extra help. Unfortunately, the cost of bariatric or obesity surgeries in the United States is very expensive.

In the United States, gastric bypass surgery using the Roux-en-Y technique may cost as much as $25,000, depending on individualized cases. Many insurance companies in the United States now cover gastric bypass surgery, but many don’t.  Traveling to foreign destinations offers lower gastric bypass surgery costs. For example, the same technique performed in India costs roughly $16,500; while in medical travel destinations in South America, costs may hover around $10,000 and often time include all-inclusive stay benefits.

In the United States, costs for lap band surgery ranges from $15,000 to $20,000, while in countries such as Costa Rica, India and Mexico, costs hover around $8,100. For gastric balloon procedures in Mexico, prices are approximately $3,250. Prices of gastric balloon procedures and gastric banding procedures in Poland average about $3,000.

Don’t let your budget control your health.  Bariatric surgery addresses severe obesity difficult to treat through diet and exercise. Bariatric surgeons experienced in weight management, obesity and weight control, and subspecialties that utilize advanced laparoscopic surgery and procedures generally perform bariatric surgery. You can find the perfect facility and travel package by accessing PlacidWay, an international medical provider portal for information regarding doctors, surgeons, facilities and procedures.

Categories:   Costa Rica Medical Tourism, Gastric Bypass Surgery Latin America, Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Mexico Medical Tourism, Obesity | Bariatric Surgery Abroad, Weight Loss Programs


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