

Baby Boomer Ventures to India for Knee Surgery

Diagnosed with arthritis of the knee two years ago, Jack’s condition has grown progressively gotten worse. Unfortunately, he’s near his cap limit on insurance due to an unrelated auto accident. He decided he wanted to look for knee surgery elsewhere than in his native Wisconsin.

Jack’s condition was caused by gradual wear and tear on his knee from years of playing rugby. He’d fractured his knee in his younger days and as he passed his 50th birthday was plagued by the aches and pains caused by arthritis, to the point he could hardly walk in the morning.

Browsing through the Internet, he came across PlacidWay, an international medical tourism and information resource. After spending some time researching articles regarding orthopedic surgery abroad, he decided to follow up on the knee replacement procedures offered by Dr. Venkatachalam and his Madras Joint Replacement Center in Chennai, India.

A variety of orthopedic procedures performed at Madras Joint Replacement Center offer patients from around the globe mobility and independence. The center serves the needs of those requiring a variety of knee surgical procedures, including ACL reconstruction, Oxinium knee joint replacement, menisectomy and offer the High Flex total knee replacement procedure as well, which Jack read up about.

As one of the most highly trained and respected orthopedic surgeons in India, Dr. Venkatachalam is highly experienced in joint replacement surgeries throughout the Middle East, the United Kingdom, Belgium, and Asia.

Like Jack, people around the world are seeking accessible and affordable medical and surgical care. He found what he was looking for in India.

Categories:   Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Knee Surgery Abroad, Medical Tourism, Orthopedics Surgery Abroad


  • Posted: January 20, 2016 17:58


    Thanks alot - your answer solved all my problems after several days strgnuligg

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