

Baby and Child Care Abroad

If you’re an expat or traveling abroad with your family, you need to be prepared for emergencies. Did you know that numerous hospitals, clinics and independent doctors around the world are experts in pediatric treatments and child and infant care that may provide services in:

  • Treatments or surgeries for ear infections
  • Ear tube placement
  • Congenital birth defects
  • Neonatal procedures
  • Brain tumors
  • Appendectomy
  • Tonsillectomy
  • Facial trauma
  • Umbilical, inguinal or diaphragmatic hernias
  • Club foot repair
  • Circumcision

Do you know how much it costs for your child to have a tonsillectomy in the U.S.? Between $2,800 and $6,000, depending whether the adenoids are also removed while simple cleft palate repair may average around $5,000. In Thailand, a tonsillectomy averaged around $2,000.

The Hospital de la Mujer, or Women’s Hospital, located in Mexicali, Baja California, offers some of the best pediatric services in the western hemisphere. In central Europe, the Florence Nightingale Hospital in Istanbul, Turkey, offers comprehensive pediatric care in fields ranging from internal medicine to cancer care.

Pediatric treatment medical centers such as Memorial Hizmet, also located in Istanbul, are known for their friendly, compassionate and patient-centered care. Whether you’re traveling to the Orient or the Middle East, PlacidWay, an international medical provider and facilitator based in Denver, Colorado, can help you find the best in pediatric care, procedures and pediatric treatments around the world. Your kids are your most prized possessions. No matter where you travel, find the best facilities that deal with pediatric issues before you go, just in case.

Categories:   Chronic Disease Treatment, Health Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Turkey, Mexico Medical Tourism, Thailand Medical Tourism


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