

Asian Medical Tourism

Asian Medical tourism is growing exponentially in recent years, and is expected to blossom even more in the coming decade. Individuals from around the world, especially in the United States and Western Europe, disappointed and discouraged by healthcare options, rising healthcare costs, and long wait times, increasingly look beyond borders for excellent, qualified an accredited medical care.

The Asia Medical Tourism and Wellness Congress, most commonly known as GLOW, is meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in May 2010, to host an expo and congress on the personal wellness and medical tourism industry that focuses on facilities, providers, treatments, technologies and opportunities in Southeast Asia.

The GLOW 2010 Asia Medical Tourism and Wellness Congress will discuss, among other itinerary items, workplace wellness, medical tourism, spa and wellness facilities, treatments and procedures, among the fastest growing fields in the medical tourism industry. The focus is on health and wellness in the workplace or corporate environment that extends far beyond individual or market consumerism in locations throughout Southeast Asia, including popular medical tourism destinations such as Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, South Korea, in major metropolitan areas in Southeast China.

The GLOW exhibition will specifically target health care related industries hospitals, spa and wellness associations and operators, outbound tour operators, and international insurance providers.

Improving wellness programs in corporate environments, sustaining spa and wellness businesses during economic crisis as well as cost budgeting approaches to tracking medical tourism marketing activities are just a few of the topics that will be discussed at the upcoming conference.

Categories:   Health Tourism, Medical Spas, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Singapore, Thailand Medical Tourism


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