Quality is a Major Concern in Medical Tourism
How do you know the medical facility you’re thinking about visiting in India is up to your standards? What kind of guarantee that the hospital you’re visiting in Mexico, Turkey or South Africa is safe, clean and offers the best in informed, experienced and quality medical care? You check their accreditation and certification.
Two such accrediting organizations, the Joint Commission International (JCI) or the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) accredit reputable medical institutions, no matter where they are located. The accreditation process is basic.
International accreditation standards focus on patient care, continuity of care, referrals, discharge protocols and procedures, follow-ups, and transfer of patients to other facilities or specialists. The accreditation process ensures that medical providers and hospital and medical facilities identify and determine medical needs of patients before admission.
Here are some more:
- International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua)
- Accreditation Commission for Health Care, Inc. (ACHC)
- Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA)
- Society for International Healthcare Accreditation (SOFIHA)- Britain
In addition:
- The United Kingdom Accreditation Forum (UKAF)
- Australian Council for Healthcare Standards International (ACHSI)
- Canadian Council on Health Services Regulation (CCHSA)
- Joint Commission International (JCI)
- Trent Accreditation Scheme – aka Trent (U.K., Europe, Hong Kong, Malta, Philippines)
Does this mean your hospital room will be what you’re used to seeing the in U.S.? Not all the time. Foreign hospitals provide the basics and while some are luxurious, others are plain and simple, there for patient care, not entertainment. Still hospital facilities abroad offer the basics, such as choice between private and semi-private room, television, and space for family and visitors.
For more information on hospital quality and accreditation abroad, visit PlacidWay, a medical tourism facilitator based in Denver, Colorado. Only the best will do when you’re looking for care for yourself or a loved one. Do your homework and choose wisely.
Categories: Health Tourism, India Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism, Medical Tourism Accreditations, Medical Tourism South Africa, Medical Tourism Turkey