Facebook Google+ Twitter Weight loss benefits:Lower risk of breast cancer! I am talking about those persistent fat deposits on your belly. I offer you the one significant benefit of weight… 2 25.01.13
Facebook Google+ Twitter Where Do I Go for Safe, Effective Obesity Surgery? You know you want to make a change, but don't know where to start. After some checking, you've discovered that… 0 21.05.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Latin America Draws Growing Numbers of Medical Travelers You want and demand the best in medical care and services. Latin American destinations, doctors and surgeons make sure you… 1 01.05.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Losing Weight with Affordable Weight Loss Surgery Abroad Today, individuals have increasing freedom to choose medical care providers from a wide range of international destinations for numerous medical… 0 16.01.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Paying for Obesity Surgery Obesity weight loss surgery offers hope for health and longevity for many, but remains just out of reach for those… 1 14.02.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Dealing with the Weight: Obesity Surgery Abroad Obesity is deadly, but it's also expensive to treat. One of the most popular options for Americans is to travel… 1 06.05.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Wanna Get Away for Bariatric Surgeries? If you’re an American dealing with the high cost of medical care and long waiting lists, consider undergoing bariatric surgeries… 0 31.12.08