Facebook Google+ Twitter Access Cheap Though Quality Care in Latin America You DO have options for your medical and dental care. Find out more about such care, pricing, qualifications and facilities… 0 12.10.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Benefit from Lower Dental Care Costs Abroad Even with the cost of travel and accommodations, you're going to save thousands of dollars accessing dental care abroad. That's… 0 26.08.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Your Teeth May Appreciate a Dental Vacation Because dental treatments in the United States are growing increasingly expensive, Americans are turning to cross-border travel to take care… 0 17.04.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Find the Best Dental Care Abroad: No Matter Where You Roam PlacidWay, a medical tourism provider and resource, can help you find what's out there, no matter which corner of the… 2 21.02.11