Facebook Google+ Twitter Tips for Receiving Medical Treatment Abroad Tourist destinations around the globe continue to offer increased options and opportunities to baby boomers and global travelers seeking quality… 1 06.07.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter The New Face of Medical Care: International Medicine Individuals from places like Azerbaijan, Nigeria and Iraq are increasingly seeking health services abroad? Individuals around the world are traveling… 0 11.06.10
Facebook Google+ Twitter Best Medical Treatment in Croatia For the best medical treatment in Croatia, doctors in Rovinj or clinics in Zagreb, visit PlacidWay, a popular and growing… 1 10.12.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Quality Care in Latin America Facilities in Latin America offers treatment in a variety of fields including obesity, plastic and cosmetic surgery, stem cell research… 1 21.11.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Excellent, Affordable Dental Care Abroad Personal health care is all about choices, and providing accurate and reliable resources to individuals are round the world seeking… 0 16.09.09