Facebook Google+ Twitter Saving Your Life through Bariatric Surgery Procedures Most people don't realize the dangers of obesity until they're sitting in their doctor's office receiving shocking news. 0 31.03.12
Facebook Google+ Twitter Is Your Teenager Obese? The American Heart Association has determined that 15% to 33% of teens in the U.S. are overweight. 0 29.12.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Travel Abroad for Affordable Teen Obesity Surgery Traveling to global destinations may enjoy savings of tens of thousands of dollars in such locations as Mexico, South America… 2 18.01.11
Facebook Google+ Twitter Bariatric Surgery Angels Abroad individuals in the United States are fortunate that a short plane ride away offers lower bariatric bypass surgery cost, as… 0 03.07.09
Facebook Google+ Twitter Bariatric Surgery Abroad Traveling to foreign destinations to an obesity surgery center offers people the chance to change their life and the opportunity… 0 25.04.09